Wednesday, August 27, 2008

the simplest design is allot more fun!

The first time I noticed this, I got quite surprised... the best solution for a given problem is the simplest, most straight forward, least thrilling and usually generates remarks like "this is textbook stuff, too simple and uninteresting" and, in fact, that it may well be!
but as a side-effect of simplicity one gets tiny code base and flexibility unrestrained by bells and whistles. The result is as complex as the task it solves without any extra automation and framework magic :)

Yes, you get less of that Perl-ish "I've written this but, even I do not understand how and why it works, but it does!" thrill and none of the satisfaction it brings...

but getting the job done in a fraction of the time and watching the client try to rip it apart and reject it as being too simple, too abstract or too optimistic and not being able to do so objectively, is allot more fun ;)


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